Kesatuan Bangsa School

Career Planning Department

Bimbingan Studi Lanjut

The Only Way To Do Great Work Is To Love What You Do. If You Haven’t Found It Yet, Keep Looking. Don’t Settle !
Steve Jobs


Reveal the Strength of Students

Give direction to students to recognize their potential strengths by providing several tests

Provide Information

Provides information about campus admissions such as SNMPTN, SBMPTN, Ujian Mandiri and International admissions.

Counselling Session


Meet the student one by one to discuss their preparation for university.

Hold Workshops and Seminars


Hold the seminars or workshops at the school and online.

Education Fair


Educational Fair are generally held at the school to give information related to information of university, but during pandemic Edufair are held online.


  • Helping students with the documents needed to go to college (ex: letter of recommendation, general documents such as report cards, SKHUN, diplomas via homeroom teacher.

  • In collaboration with the dept. English for briefing essay making and interview preparation.

  • Provide an overview and direction of student achievement from report cards grades semester 1-5

  • Follow up on student major choices

  • Held UTBK preparations

Sebaran Alumni

Alumni Dirtribution in the World (2014-2021)

Alumni Distribution in Indonesia (2024-2022)

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