Won 10 Medals, Kesatuan Bangsa School shines again at the National Science Olympiad

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_images_carousel images=”5122,5121″ img_size=”large” slides_per_view=”2″ autoplay=”yes” wrap=”yes”][vc_column_text]“Young and accomplished” is the best description for the 10 Kesatuan Bangsa School students who won 10 medals at the 2022 National Science Olympiad (OSN). Kesatuan Bangsa school, which is under the auspices of the Kesatuan Bangsa Foundation, has consistently been able to maintain its achievements at the 2022 National Science Olympiad (OSN). This achievement was announced online by The National Achievement Center (Pusat Prestasi National – Puspresnas) at the Closing and Awarding of the 2022 National Science Olympiad that was held online on Friday (07/10).

Deera Army P, the coordinator of the Olympus Middle and High School teams, explained that out of 13 students who participated in the OSN, ten students brought back medals. The medals consist of two gold medals from biology and earth science fields, and two silver medals from economics and chemistry fields. Meanwhile the other six bronze medals were achieved from the fields of physics, geography, informatics, and mathematics.

The following are details of the students who won the medals.

Gold medal

1) Ganang Fattahuddien Attar – Biology

2) Reyhan Adhiguna Pamungkas – Earth Science

Silver medal

1) Latif Anwar – Economy

2) Kriestian Valerio Sugianto – Chemistry

Bronze Medal

1) Revael Pramudya Yudisthira – Physics

2) Naraja Khaufandra – Physics

3) Felicia Grace Angelyn Ferdianto – Mathematics

4) Dzaky Aulia Fadhil – Mathematics

5) Ragil Faiz Kurniawan – Geography

6) Danar Abiyoga Prakosa – Informatics

Irsyad Affandi, M.A., M.Pd., the Chairperson of Kesatuan Bangsa Mandiri Foundation, added that Kesatuan Bangsa School achievement as a Satuan Pendidikan Kerjasa (SPK) school that won the most medals in the 2022 OSN is certainly very remarkable. It shows that Kesatuan Bangsa School can always compete in the national and international competitions.

Based on the announcement from Puspresnas, the total participants in this OSN were 900 students. They were selected from the previous OSN-K and OSN-P stages. Their success was achieved not only by doing their best during the competition but also their efforts, prayers, and perseverance during the preparation. Besides that, motivation and support from parents and teachers from the beginning until the end of the competition have also play a role. This achievement has made parents, schools, and the province of the Special Region of Yogyakarta proud.

With the theme “Sains Pulihkan Negeri” it is hoped that this achievement can help other students to be motivated and more enthusiastic in maximizing their potential in academic and non-academic fields to become students who inspire-explore-achieve for the nation.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]




