Teachers’ Day at Kesatuan Bangsa School

On November 25th 2020, the Student Councils of SMP-SMA Kesatuan Bangsa School commemorated the Teachers’ Day. Chaired by Ahmad Abbas G (11D), the live event titled “Heroes of the Orange Building” was held online, featuring Excel (10D) dan Azka (7C) as the host and co-host. The students nominated some teachers to several categories including the most stylish, the most humorous, the most disciplined, the most creative, and students’ overall favourite. The voting was conducted online several days before the event. In addition, a collaborative poetry reading was also performed by some students. They recite a poem written by Nara Tazkia Larasati, an 11th grader, and is titled “Pendar Bulan Kesebelas” (The Glow of the Eleventh Month). Teachers were also invited to join the fun Teachers’ Day Quizz, in which all kinds of questions relating to the schools and teachers were asked.

In the remarks on behalf of Sekolah Kesatuan Bangsa, the Junior High School Principal Mr. Ahmad Fauzi thanked students for holding the event and encouraged students to keep being enthusiastic to learn more and more, despite the pandemic. The principal also stressed the importance of the love for learning as well as the compliance to the health protocol to stay healthy.


Happy Teachers’ Day.




