Sacrificing – The Go Green Method

The Idul Adha 1441 H holiday at Kesatuan Bangsa High School was celebrated with the sacrificial slaughter of 16 cows and 6 goats. This was made possible with the donations from parents, teachers, and KBS employees, as well as from other donors.

The slaughter and distribution of sacrificial meat was held on Friday, July 31 2020 and Saturday, August 1, 2020. The sacrifice was held at the Giwangan Slaughterhouse (RPH) Yogyakarta and to minimize the spread of the Covid-19 virus caused by crowds of people in one place, cleanliness and hygiene were strictly maintained.

The sacrificial meat packaging process was centered at the Kesatuan Bangsa School. KBS applies the Go Green system where the meat packaging uses “BESEK” – an environmentally friendly woven bamboo basket.

This year, 1,469 packages of meat were distributed to the surrounding community, orphanages, and educational institutions in collaboration with Kesatuan Bangsa High School.

The recipients (Mustahiq) who came to the KBS grounds to collect their sacrificial meat were required to comply with the health protocols implemented by the school, which included: wearing masks, having body temperature checked, passing through the disinfectant spray door, washing hands, and maintaining a safe distance of one meter from others.

We would like to express our gratitude for everyone who donated, organized the event, and helped prepare and distribute the sacrificial meat.




