Four KBS Teams Won Medals at ISPO 2020

Four projects by Kesatuan Bangsa School students brought home four medals at the 2020 ISPO (Indonesian Science Project Olympiad) held at Sekolah Kharisma Bangsa Tangerang, 21-23 February 2020. Here are the four projects:

Honorable Mention in Computer

Kania Adhira Damayanti (11) and Naswa Oktavia Sabilla (11)

Project title: BE-AUTECH (Biology Education-Augmented Reality Utilization Technology) for Students in Inclusive Schools

Bronze Medal in Technology

Putri Rahmadhani Novianti (11) and Khalifathiya Fadhilla Denti (11)

Project title: Auto Thanks Mini Robot (Trash-E) for a Better Environment

Bronze Medal in Chemistry

Cinta Safa Salsabila Putri Haris (11) and Tauranaswa Farrelabhista Putra Haris (10)

Project title: Iron Superman (The use of rice weed (Fimbristylis bisumbellata) as Anti-anemia supplement through an in-vivo experiment)

Silver Medal in Environment

Ghefira Azzahra Putri Prameswari (10) and Renny Puspa Tania (10)

Project title: Modification of Local Sagoon Recipe in Making SAPOON to Reduce Plastic Spoon Usage

Sekolah Kesatuan Bangsa would like to congratulate all teams regardless of their medals for their hard work, passion and efforts. We would also like to thank parents, supervisors, project advisors and all students for their support.




