Five Languages One Heart Festival 2019

Five Languages One Heart Festival of Arts 2019 is an annual creative event at Kesatuan Bangsa School. This year it was held on Saturday 26 November 2019. The event showcased traditional dance from Kalimantan Island, the female Saman dance from Aceh, and folkdance from Turkey. Songs were

performed in English, Indonesian, Turkish, Javanese, and Arabic. There were also theater, poetry reading, choir, saxophone, and story telling performances. In addition the winners of the STEAM EXPO 2019 were announced and awards were presented. Many special guests attended the event, including representatives from Dikpora DIY, Bantul Regency, Dikpora Bantul, and Balai Dikmen Bantul. Parents of Kesatuan Bangsa School students, education public figure (Prof. Siti Chamamah), several representatives from Kesatuan Bangsa Mandiri Board, SDN 1 Sedayu State Elementary School 1, Sedayu Police, Sedayu Military, along with Kesatuan Bangsa School Staff, Teachers and students also enjoyed the performances. The Five Languages One Heart event, which begàn at 9.00am and ended at 12.00, was aimed at developing the artistic creativity of KBS students, as well as their knowledge of cultures and traditions from Indonesia and abroad.




