11 KBS Students proceed to National Olympiad

Good news have been brought by KBS students joining Sains Olympiad province level which was on 19 April 2018. As many as 10 senior high school students and 1 junior high school student proceed to the National Sains Olympiad SMA level which will be on 1-7 July 2018. The students are
1. Sulthan Bimo Rizqullah ( Mathematics)
2. Tahta Aulia Kusuma Arifin ( Mathematics)
3. Gusti Putu Surya Govinda (Physics)
4. Daud Muhamad Azhari (Physics)
5. Musti Astu Naufal (Computer)
6. Rezky Ilham Yudhasaputra (Geology)
7. Elisabeth Maria Indah Feiranti (Astronomy)
8. Rafiq Nur Alim (Astronomy)
9. Ryan Andri Wijaya (Geography)
10. Ahmad Zainuddin Mahfud (Geography)
11. Nurul Ainun Nuha (Biology)




